Suede Brush
A brush for cleaning the suede parts of your sneakers. The brush can be used on all types of suede and on regular fabric. Use with KarlsKicks cleaning foam (
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A brush for cleaning the suede parts of your sneakers. The brush can be used on all types of suede and on regular fabric. Use with KarlsKicks cleaning foam (
KarlsKicks® is a Danish brand that was established back in 2015. Since then we have grown and expanded with a physical store, workshop and dry cleaning. We opened our new Copenhagen sneaker Concept Store in Copenhagen in February 2023.
Studiestraede 25
DK-1455 Copenhagen K
Opening hours
Monday to Friday 12-18
Saturday 10-18
Sunday only for special events
Telephone: +45 3210 6666
Legal Company:
VAT DK38681982
Amsterdamvej 14
DK-2300 Copenhagen S