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Nike Air Force 1

The Nike Air Force 1 is a classic and popular sneakers-model that was introduced in 1982. The shoe has a sturdy leather construction and a heavy-duty sole that ensures good support and comfort. Available in many colors and designs, the Air Force 1 is a favorite among both athletes and sneaker-enthusiasts alike.

Contact us or stop by the store if you are interested in buying a pair.

Excerpt of our preowned Nike Air Force 1

Nike Air Force 1 Low Supreme "Black"

Nike Air Force 1 Low Supreme "White"

Nike Air Force 1 Shadow Photon

Check out our large selection of preowned sneakers

Come down to our store, drop us an email or give us a call if you are interested in owning a pair of Nike Air Force sneakers.

Our store:

Studiestræde 25
1453 Copenhagen K

Telephone number+45 28935375

Mon - Fri: 12:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 16:00
Sunday: Closed