Kaps Leather laces
High quality leather strap for the more classic shoes in length 120cm and 140cm. They can easily be cut in length if you want them shorter.
Available in several colors.
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High quality leather strap for the more classic shoes in length 120cm and 140cm. They can easily be cut in length if you want them shorter.
Available in several colors.
KarlsKicks® is a Danish brand that was established back in 2015. Since then we have grown and expanded with a physical store, workshop and dry cleaning. We opened our new Copenhagen sneaker Concept Store in Copenhagen in February 2023.
Studiestraede 25
DK-1455 Copenhagen K
Opening hours
Monday to Friday 12-18
Saturday 10-18
Sunday only for special events
Telephone: +45 3210 6666
Mail: info@karlskicks.com
Legal Company:
VAT DK38681982
Amsterdamvej 14
DK-2300 Copenhagen S